Welcome to UmmikuSayang Learning Centre!
Join as a MEMBER and enjoy COMPLEMENTARY trainings conducted by UmmikuSayang.
Please read the Terms & Conditions below on how to be a member and enjoy the benefits:
Terms & Conditions.
- To be a MEMBER, please fill up the Membership Form below and click "Register Now" button.
- Please make the payment for the MEMBERSHIP FEES and fax/email the proof of payment.
- Membership Fees is RM199 per year, regardless of when payment is made.
- Once your membership is approved, you will receive an email from UmmikuSayang stating your Membership ID. This ID will identify you as a registered member, and you can enjoy the benefits available at UkSLC.
- Since seats for the training may be limited, members are required to pre-register themselves via email or call to book their place. Places are given on a first come first serve basis.
- Members who registered but did not turn up will still have their free training deducted, unless they inform us at least 48 hrs before the session.
- There will be no refund should the Member decide to not attend any of the training in the year.
- Membership renewal is RM100/year
- UkSLC members can attend up to three (3) trainings conducted by UmmikuSayang (i.e by Dayang Lily and/or Hani Arziana) at ALIMKids Bookshop as complementary in a year (must confirm registration)
- UkSLC members can attend trainings conducted by invited speakers at ALIMKids Bookshop at 30-50% off the normal fee for non-members throughout the year.
- UkSLC members will be able to access the softcopy of the presentation slides after each training even when they cannot attend the training itself.
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