Executive@Home I: 30th April 2011 (new date)

Join hundreds of other women who have attended our Executive@Home workshop since 2004 and have benefited from the info shared by our experienced speakers. Working at home is a great way to achieve that work life balance that you have always wanted.

Are these on your "wish-list"?

  • Spend more time with my family
  • Better work-life balance
  • Start an on-line business that I enjoy
  • No more wasting time in traffic jams!
If they are, find out how you can make those WISHES come TRUE at our:


DATE: 30th April 2011 (Saturday)
TIME: :2:30pm - 6pm

Venue: ALIMKids Bookshop, 34-2 USJ 9/5Q
Subang Business Centre
47610 UEP Subang Jaya

Among the topics to be shared:
  • What are the options for working at home?
  • Myth Vs Facts - Is it really as great as it looks?
  • Financial Planning - how to ensure you have enough money to survive
  • Ideas for an online business - what can you sell online?
  • Getting started on your on-line business
Hani Arziana of UmmikuSayang.com
Co-founder of Ummiku Sayang Sdn. Bhd & ALIM Consultancy & Resources.
Mother of 5 who started working from home 8 years ago.
Quit her computer engineering post to set the FIRST children Islamic online bookstore now known as alimkidsbookshop.com together with Dayang Lily.
Shared her experiences through many exec@home seminars and workshop and
was featured in tv, magazines and newspapers.

RM150 per person.
FREE for UkSLC Member!*

(*Subject to T&C)

Not a member yet? REGISTER HERE.

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