You always know that you wanted to own a business. You want to work on your own. You want to be your own boss. You have plans.You have target. You have analyzed, organized and strategized. But one thing you did not do is, you did not take action. You ain't going nowhere.
Last two years, when i 'plan' to quit my office work and work from home, i was afraid. I was already in my comfort zone. A 4-figure salary waiting to be withdrawn at the end of the month. Pension when i am finally 58. So i wasn't sure if 'i can survive' if i quit and do business full-time.
I called this friend, and that friend to get some opinions and advices. I read this book and that book to get some ideas. However, until i really take action, then only i know how to make things work. Things that once seemed confusing begin to become clear. Things that once appeared difficult begin to become easier. People start to pay attention to me. i begin to attract others who will support and encourage me.
There's no perfect timing. Once in a while, i made mistakes. I learn from the mistakes, do necessary correction, keep taking actions and try to produce the result.
Nothing happens until you take action.
It's time to quit waiting for
Good luck ladies.